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Wikipedia is a renowned free content multi-language online encyclopedia that is based on the collaborative model, with a free membership that is facilitated by an international community of active editors via a wiki-style online editing platform. Wikipedia was established in 2021, and the project has been able to grow into one of the most frequently visited online Encyclopedias. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Individual users, commonly known as Wikipedia editors are collectively known as Wikipedians.

Wikipedia was founded as an online encyclopedia that was collaborative. Jimmy Wales, who is popularly referred to as the “chairman”, of the Wikipedia board, initiated it with a group of software developers as well as other enthusiasts and individuals. Wales and these individuals collaborated to create the first Wikipedia project, dubbed “Encyclopedia Wikipedia”, which was widely covered in both the traditional as well as the online style of encyclopedia. Later the groups and individuals added more editors to this project, transforming it into an online encyclopedia of immense size. Wikipedia today has grown to the point where it is accessible on the Internet twenty four hours a day and seven days of the week. Wikipedia now boasts a rather impressive number of more than a million articles.

Wikipedia’s unique characteristic is that anyone can edit any page, regardless of their experience or knowledge. These individuals are collectively called wikinarians. Anyone can edit any page, regardless of their level of proficiency or experience. Editing a page is possible by adding relevant information, and many wikis allow users to contest information, add new information, or even remove information. Wikipedia is commonly used as a source material for educational purposes for legal documents, research, etc.

As of today, Wikipedia articles are available to anyone to edit. Any user can start a page and make any modifications to it. Wikipedia articles are usually edited by users who do not have any professional qualifications or backgrounds like college instructors. Wikipedia articles have been reviewed and approved by some of the most famous scientists and politicians, historians writers, journalists, and writers around the globe, including Noam Chomsky.

Wikipedia is so well-known that millions of people use it across the globe. Wikipedia is a reliable source of information and in 2021 it was voted the 13th most popular website by the World Wide Web Users’ Association. Wikipedia is a great tool for learning and gaining knowledge about a subject through numerous sources. Wikipedia was not designed to be used for marketing or business purposes. Any attempts to make use of Wikipedia to accomplish this is not professional. You should not copy Wikipedia articles or use them in any way.

Wikipedia was founded by an Australian academic called Dr. Jon Poole who set up a website called encyclopaedia. The Greek root en-ympha was the root of the word encyclopaedia. In order to complete the project, many millions of words were added to the encyclopaedia. Today, there are over 1.5 billion Wikipedia articles.

Many users prefer to write new articles instead of editing existing Wikipedia articles. Wikipedia is a great source to get ideas for your own projects. If you’re seeking a new subject then you can find lots of new ideas through Wikipedia’s featured articles. This feature lets users browse the encyclopedia and find articles on the topic that they can incorporate into their own projects.

Wikipedia has revolutionized how we tackle the global problem of knowledge. It is an open-source content management system (CMS) that anyone can use for any reason. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Wikipedia is so well-known that it is used by more than three hundred million people all over the world. There are a myriad of reasons as to why Wikipedia is such a well-known online encyclopedia.

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